Retrieve password

— Why should I enter the real name and password?

— All data entered by you during registration, are sort of your identity document. For its part, the bookmaker has taken maximum measures for the storage and security operations with funds in your account. That is why making a request for winning payments (except Webmoney transfers) requires the request ffrom the e-mail specified in your profile. When you receive your winnings (by bank transfer through money transfer systems like Western Union and MoneyGram, etc.) a passport is required When you receive your winnings through payment acceptance and payout cashier of the bookmaker, the operator must check the passport data against data on the playing account. In the event that the last name or first name does not match, the cashier will certainly not be able to issue the winnings. Be careful while filling in the registration form.

— How to change profile data?

— You can change password of your acccount and email by yourself. For security reasons we recommend to periodically change the passwords and never send them by email.

If you make a mistake in the email address, go to "my Profile" section, select "Change Address" and follow the instructions to enter a new address.

change of email in “Goal+Pass” BO

To change the name and surname you must write a letter to e-mail address bookmaker with a request to change the data. Please note that you must send the email from the email address that is listed on your profile.

** & mdash; What should I do if I forgot my password? **

— Apply for a new password by clicking on the link "Forgot your password?" 0n the start page Fill in the fields "Login", and "Email address" (specified in the profile). After a short time you will receive an email with your new password. Caution! To avoid problems when requesting new password, verify that the e-mail address is valid.

** — can I change bet currency in profile?**

& mdash Tou can change your betting currency if you did not carry out financial transactions on your account. In this case, you must send a letter with request to the bookmakers email ( If transactions have already been made, then change the bet currency is impossible.

** & mdash; Can I delete my profile on the site? **

& mdash; The profile is not deleted from the site, but, if necessary, it can be blocked. To do this you need to withdraw money from the account, write a letter (from the email address specified in your profile) with respective request to the address To resume the opportunity to bet through this profile, you need to do the same, changing the essence of the request.

  • — what is the minimum amount for transferring into the account? *

    Minimum bet amount is —-20 roubles (approx. 100 KZT, 1 dollar, etc.-depending on the bet currency ). Note that different money transfer systems charge a certain percentage for the use of their services (usually, depending on the amount of transfer). Transferring funds to your account via the bookmaker office is free of charge.

** - How much is the commission for transferring money **?

  • It depends on the transfer method. Such information is best obtained from sources of information directly related to one or another money transfer system (online, operators, etc.). For example: the cost between BTA cards is 2% of the transfer amount, but not less than 80 KZT.

** - bet was won, winnings were transferred, and now removed. Why?**

& mdash; In some cases, there may be [rate recalculations](/ rules/5/) related to errors in sports results, technical problems, etc. If you think that the bet was recalculated incorrectly, then you should report this [at the bookmaker's forum] ( or by mail