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2.2.1. Betting on hockey games are accepted only on regular time (without extra periods), except for specially stipulated cases.

2.2.2. In hockey matches, you can bet on the periods scoring efficiency. 1st period is more productive than 2nd - 2.0, 2nd period is more productive than 1st -1.55 1st period is more productive than the 3rd - 1.9, third period is more productive than the 1st - 1.65 2nd period is more productive than the third - 1.8 third period is more productive than 2nd - 1.8, with equal performance - return.


N Date Event w1 Х w2 Х2 Handicap1 CH1 Handicap2 CH2 Total O U Proceed1 Proceed2
6 08/06 23:55 Detroit-Buffalo 1.8 3.8 2.2 1.3 1.8 -0.5 1.8 +0.5 1.8 4.5 1.6 2.0 1.6 2.0

You can make the following types of bets on the outcome of a hockey match:

  • Victory of the first team in the match (Line column "w1");
  • Draw (Line column "X" );
  • Victory of the first team in the match (Line column "w2");
  • The first team will not lose (Line column "1X");
  • The second team will not lose (Line column "2X");
  • The first team wins the match with handicap (Line column "Handicap1" indicates the handicap, and the column "CH1" indicates the odds).
  • The second team wins the match with handicap (Line column "Handicap2" indicates the handicap, and the column "CH2" indicates the odds);
  • Total number of goals in the match more than the specified number (Line column "Total" shows the total number of goals, and column "O" shows the odds);
  • Total number of goals in the match less than the specified number (Line column "Total" shows the total number of goals, and column "U" shows the odds);
  • Proceed to the next round of the first or second team (Line columns "Proceed");

Besides the basic bets additional bets are also accepted:

  • Victory of the first team in the match;
  • Guess which match will be the most scoring in the round;
  • Guess the most scoring period, if two periods are the most effective, the outcome is "Equality".
  • Betting on the comparative effectiveness of the periods;

2.3 The bookmaker accepts bets on the penalty time. The totals on the penalty time 2 and 4 minute penalties are taken into account. A multiple bet can contain no more than 4 bets on the penalty time and shots, otherwise the bookmaker reserves the right to limit the amount of payment.