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Live bets are filled with a sense of a live game, dynamics and opportunities to "catch" profitable odds.

Actually, all this is the main characteristic of this type of bets – the bookmaker offers to make bets not in advance, several hours or even days before the event, but during the sporting competition.

You must admit that's convenient: follow the game on TV or via broadcast over the network and, having assessed the power dynamics, make the most advantageous bet.

Of course, not only the player but the bookie is watching the game to, and his observations appear in constant change in odds. That is why when athletes make mistakes, or vice versa, demonstrate an excellent sporting condition, odds on them rise or fall respectively. This sometimes happens very quickly, because the situation in the game is changing with great speed, which means there's no time for meditation.

Beat the bookmaker in these "fast" chess is possible, it is important to remember some rules. In part, they coincide with the general rules for betting, however, certain factors come in the first place.

If for betting on regular matches preparation is important, for Live bets collection of information on sports statistics, current status and team line ups cannot be overemphasized.

Same as in regular bets, choose one sport in which you are the best. For example, if your "forte is basketball, with the all the deceptive simplicity of football, it is not worth choosing for Live bets, even if it's a match between a favourite and a lagging team. There are menu reasons for the favourite's loss: injuries, substitutions, lack of psychological motivation for one team or one athlete and so on.

If you are betting in real time, in order to follow the match, use multiple sources of information to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings. The thing is that because of the speed of what is happening, errors and inaccuracies are possible. By the way, the bookmaker is not always wrong in its favour.

Despite the fact that the decision to make or not to make a bet is to be taken quickly, excessive haste only hinders the assessment of the situation. Develop a clear gaming strategy and strictly define the amount you plan to spend on the game. Determine the minimum and maximum odds that you will bet on. This is necessary in order to minimize risks. You must admit, the risk in these bets is quite high and, therefore, it is unwise to risk a large part of the bank for the sake of winning no more than 1/3 of the bet amount. On the other hand, it's not worth chasing extremely high bets, hoping to win it all at once.

Success only comes with experience. Try to learn how to bet with small amounts.

Live betting in the bookmaker's office"Goal+Pass"

["Goal+Pass" Bookmaker] (/) offers players bets on various sports and competitions at different levels. Among the advantages of Live betting is a convenient line, high speed of settlement of bets (in some cases settlement of a bet is possible before the end of the sporting event). Bets are accepted not only during sports events, but also in the breaks. During the match the bet line may change.

:Line general view

Selected bets are displayed in a traditional way, as well as other types of bets:

Before making bets, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of [the Bookmaker Office] (/rules/23/).

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